Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Progress
The Hood River house is almost complete! The pavers are installed, the pool has been filled, and lawn chairs are out and ready to be tanned on.

The exterior of the fireplace is made out of Core-10, which has this weathered appearance that contrasts nicely wit the rest of the sleek exterior.

The siding is finally complete!

The awnings have been installed. They will filter the light that enters the house to reduce heat.

The partially sunken tub is now ready for use. Guests can soak while taking in the beautiful view stretched before them. The huge glass sliding doors make the soaking room and the patio feel connected, as though one just extends into the next.

The planters are just getting started. By spring the kitchen garden will be filled in. And look at the beautiful view of Mt. Hood in the distance!

Jon, the owner, designed this kitchen with some consultation from SRM. The cool and contemporary cabinetry is from IKEA.


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