A Slab in Winter Work has been focused on the exterior shell, so now the roof is up just in time for winter to come rolling in to the valley. Windows and doors will be arriving on site in a week.
Here we see the preparation of the floor prior to the cement slab being poured. Lots of rebar, vapor barrier and insulation block. After the slab is poured, work will commence on interior walls.
A Construction DiaryFazan is a vacation home and spa designed by SRM Architecture. The name comes from the Ukrainian word for pheasant, which speaks to the owner's heritage as well as the presence of these native birds on the property. This blog is dedicated to chronicling the progress of design, construction, and ultimately the habitation of this beautiful little home.
Your Blog Host
Michael Stueve, AIA
Hello and welcome to our latest visual diary of a project we hold close to our hearts. SRM has been working on this project for the past year, and truthfully, it's been a complete joy every step of the way. From the dreamiest client to the most skilled contractor, and even the City of Hood River Building Department, there is some seriously good karma around this house!
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